Learn to make delicious, digestible Sourdough Bread in our easy, online class.
whole grain. fully fermented. +your family will love it.
START LEARNING NOW.When you eat regular bread, do you feel bloated, lethargic or even guilty?
With fully fermented sourdough bread, you won't have the negative side effects! And you'll feel great about your healthy, delicious choice!
Would you like to have a greater potential to live longer?
Sourdough bread is eaten in the world's blue zones where people live longer than other areas. Sourdough is healthy and easy for your body to digest!
Do you wish you had access to real sourdough, not the fake kind at the store?
Real sourdough is hard to find but easy to make. Our online course makes it easy to have sourdough bread every day!
Sourdough is one of the Secrets of the World's Longest-Lived People.
Have you heard of Blue Zones? Blue Zones are places in the world with the longest-lived people. And guess what is commonly eaten among these people. Yep--Sourdough Bread.
Here's what Dan Buettner has to say in his book Blue Zones Kitchen:
"Other traditional blue zones breads are made with naturally occurring bacteria called lactobacilli, which “digest” the starches and glutens while making the bread rise. The process also creates an acid—the “sour” in sourdough. The result is bread with less gluten than breads labeled “gluten-free” (and about one-thousandth the amount of gluten in normal breads), with a longer shelf life and a pleasantly sour taste that most people like. Most important, traditional sourdough breads consumed in Blue Zones diets actually lower the glycemic load of meals. That means they make your entire meal healthier, slower burning, easier on your pancreas, and more likely to make calories available as energy than stored as fat."
Our online sourdough bread class will prepare you for a lifetime of healthy bread-making.
You'll learn...
How to create and care for your starter.
To master techniques such as mixing, kneading, and the windowpane test.
About grinding your own grain and sources for your bread-making needs.
To make breads like sandwich, focaccia, pita, tortilla, bagels, cinnamon pastry, and more!
Learn to make sourdough that is easy to digest, even if you're sensitive.

Have the confidence to make bread when you need it, even with a busy schedule.
Gain the skills in our easy-to-follow class to make varieties of bread everyone will love.

You won't just learn to make a sandwich loaf or the trendy sourdough boule. You'll learn to make all kinds of breads, from waffles to artisan loaves!
All scrumptious--All digestible--All healthy.
Yes! I want to bake bread!from your teachers
Darie & Carolina Estill:
Our #1 tip for changing the way you eat for the better?
Learn to make sourdough bread. No one wants to give up bread, so learn to make bread that you don't have to give up!
Not for those with Celiac.
Learn to make bread today!

Sourdough. Our Story.
I'm Darie Estill, and I LOVE bread! In 2005, I started my family on a real-food journey. But there was a catch - I don't like food unless it tastes really good! My goal became to eat healthy food that was delicious. A few years later when my daughter Georgia-Kate was 6 years old, her teeth were cavity-ridden and she craved only grains and sugar. I had learned enough to know that these symptoms meant a serious gut issue. What's a mother to do? Calmly freak out, of course! I was terrified that we would need to give up bread! I absolutely could NOT put my family on a gluten-free diet. In my mind, we may as well starve to ourselves to death.
I began a new chapter in our healthy-eating journey--searching out how to make sourdough bread that's easy and tastes amazing. It took over 3 years and many loaves of dense, sour bread to get to where we are today and to be able to take others on an easier path than the one I traveled. I hope that you have far fewer bricks (or none at all) and many more delightful ones!
When we owned our restaurant, Carolina (at only 15 years old!) became our head bread baker. She made hundreds of loaves of focaccia for our signature sandwiches. She's great at thinking out-of-the-box when it comes to creative recipe twists and joins me in our bread course videos.
We're excited to have you join us on this healthy-eating, bread-making journey!
What our students say...

As a volunteer chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation, teaching others about how harmful nutrient-binding phytates found in grains can be reduced by proper preparation like fermentation, I was thrilled to take this sourdough class! Darie demystified the process with step-by-step, hands-on directions I was able to come away with the process under my belt enough to start baking sourdough bread. I would highly recommend Sourdough Bread Simplified. I had read many books about making bread but just wasn't able to get the results I wanted. This class has given me the confidence to make excellent bread every time.
-Nancy Webster

The lessons learned were invaluable and couldn't all be put in book form. Some things you can only learn by walking along with someone as you follow the process. And now, we have sourdough breads of all types and enjoy all of them! We even make some to sell, with very happy customers!! It was definitely worth the time and money!
-Terri Taylor, Taylor Family Farms

I was given the confidence I needed to make bread on my own.
I had built it up in my head, that as much as I wanted to learn how to make my own bread, my experiences of making my own sourdough bread had always turned out bad. I was able to make it, and it tastes good! I definitely would take any class they would be teaching!
-Maggie Shadrick
Frequently Asked Questions
What's included in the online class?
Will I be overwhelmed with information?
Will someone help me if I have questions?
I'm sensitive to gluten or have a condition that I shouldn't have gluten. Can I eat this bread?
Will the online course teach me to make bread as effectively as attending an in-person class?
What method do you use? By hand or with a mixer?
***Is this sourdough whole grain or white flour?***
Master the art of sourdough bread right in your own kitchen by learning online from experienced bakers!
Get the Class!
Why do you need to make your own sourdough bread?
Every family should have sourdough bread on their table. It's a traditional, real food that people have eaten for millennia and for good reasons...
- The fermentation process increases the beneficial bacteria for your body. Happy, happy gut! This fermentation process also breaks down four gluten-forming proteins, so lots of folks with gluten intolerance can eat sourdough bread. (I do not recommend sourdough bread to those with Celiac Disease. Please research for yourself.)
- Sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index which will cause fewer blood sugar spikes.
- Sourdough is easier to digest. The bacteria-yeast breaks down the starches in the grains which basically pre-digests the bread. Yes!
- Fermented bread doesn't promote tooth decay!
- Sourdough bread tastes amazing with much more flavor than fast-rising, yeasted, white flour bread!
- People in many areas of the world with very long life spans eat sourdough bread! Longer life, folks! What are you waiting for?
Are you ready to bake your own easy-to-make sourdough bread?
Select an Option Below to Start Your Class!
**Introductory Offer**
Would you rather take a class in person on our farm in Tennessee?
We'll let you know the dates of our all-day, intensive sourdough bread classes. We also teach fermenting, cheese, and cookery classes!
We'll only send emails for the information you requested.

Want a sneak peek into the class??
You'll feel like you're right in the kitchen with us! We're real people, making real bread, and we hope this encourages you that you can make your own bread as well!